All tagged Motivation With ME

Single, Saved, and Celibate Series: Couple Celibacy

A male friend of mine reached out to me because as he was googling celibacy, my blog came up. Skipping the part of the conversation that is for one none of your business, he told me that him and his girlfriend decided to be celibate until their wedding day. I asked a few questions, mainly on faith and spirituality. But it got me thinking…that’s a really good topic for my blog.

Single, Saved, and Celibate Series: Masturbation...Everyone's Answer

Disclaimer: If you are under age, one of those people who can’t read or talk about sex as if it’s not a part of human life, or a “Super Christian” whose mouth drops open when someone says sex of any type and all things related: don’t read past this line and if you do well…read at your own risk.

Disclaimer 2: I am not promoting celibacy, sexual misbehavior, or trying to convert people in any way. I’m just sharing on what I know based on my experience because…duh that’s what I do.

So here we are…the topic people avoid but actually do.

Masturbation - stimulation of the genitals with the hand for sexual pleasure.

One of the MOST common answers or question I get is, “So do you masturbate?” or “You should masturbate.” Literally, this is what I get from people when I tell them I’m celibate.

So, do I masturbate? Yes!

Single, Saved, and Celibate Series: Breaking Toxic Ties

Wow! When I started this series in January 2018, I didn’t think it would be as popular as it is. I mean…it’s celibacy. Who wants to talk about that in today’s culture? I’m amazed at how many women and MEN have come to me for advice on being celibate.

So, let’s get into toxic soul ties and how to break them. I received this question from someone on Instagram. Anonymity is my thing so don’t be afraid to ask me anything.

How do you break a soul tie that caused you to break your celibacy?

Child Sex Abuse Series: Effects, Trauma, and The Aftermath


Welcome again to my Child Sex Abuse Series. It is amazing how much positive you can do when your release your silence and break free from the chains of secrecy. I released my silence years ago when I released Troubled, but it wasn’t my full truth. The weight that I carried on my shoulders shielding my stepfather, my family, my mom, myself (because victims experience shame), was so heavy it felt like carrying around two whole bodies.

Child Sex Abuse Series: Unfortunately, It Starts at Home


So, as you guys may or may not know, I began my YouTube channel, “Motivation With ME” two months ago. If you don’t know, now you know so subscribe here.

Now, let’s begin with my own experience shall we. Around this time last year, I did an article for Voyage Houston magazine where I finally released that my stepfather is my childhood abuser (Read article here).