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God Never Leaves You

November 24, 2023

I can’t tell you how good it feels to glide my fingers across the keyboard to write something other than a book. I miss the days of blogging and in my last post, you’ll see how life swiftly changed for me.

So, let’s get to the message at hand…

As I fast from social media and YouTube, a couple of lessons come to mind, but one in particular hits close to home. I realized that my relationship with God was lackluster. There was a time I did multiple bible studies a day, sat in my prayer closet, listened to gospel music blasting through my headphones. Then suddenly, life got busy, and I walked away from my routine.

I want you to read this knowing one thing, God never leaves us, we leave Him.

Sometimes we go through things, and it may feel as though He’s not listening or not there, but He’s always listening. He knows the struggles you’re going through. However, the problem is we don’t bring them to Him. We try to work them out ourselves and the battles are too hard to fight. That’s why Ephesians 6 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. It speaks of putting on the full armor of God so we can stand against the whiles of the devil (v. 10-18).

Let me ask you this. Are you putting on your armor? Are you going to God about your problems and trials?

I realized during my fast that I’m not. We go to friends and family, but we must go to the Source. He’s waiting for you. He’s waiting for your prayers and requests for help. Don’t leave Him. Don’t give up. Reach out your hand to Him as He waits for you to grab and hold on to Him.

I vow to myself, and I want you to as well that no matter what you’re going through, know that you are not alone. Draw near to Him and know His power is bigger than anything you may be facing.

Even if it’s just a couple of sentences, my hope and prayer is that I can continue to use my gift of writing and motivation to help others through this blog.

Oh how I miss thee!

Shameless plug: You can also view my motivation videos here.

I love you all and I hope that my few words made a great impact on your heart.